Monday, May 13, 2013

History of Notebooks and Netbooks

This time I would like to share about the history of notebooks and netbooks. now many emerging technologies, one of notebook and netbook. many people use it for a lot of that style and use it to the fullest. Let us begin to discuss

History of notebook

notebook started to become a serious conversation among PC manufacturers and design in the early 1070s, When a portable personal computer brought to the surface. A "personnel, portable information manipulator" was imagined by Alan Key at Xerox PARC in 1985, and described in 1972 in a paper called "Dynabook".IMB project that Scamp Special Computer APL Machine Portable was demonstrated in 1973. This prototype was based on the PALM processor (Put All Logic In Microcode). IBM 5100, the first portable computer available commercially, appeared in September 1975, and is based on the prototype Scamp.
The first portable computer that has 8-bit CPU machines are then widely accepted and the number is increasing. Osborne 1, released in 1981, used the Zilog Z80 and weighed 10.7 kg and even then not including batteries. Inch CRT screen only 5 or 13 cm, and using single-density 5.26-inch floppy drive. In the same year the first laptop-sized portable, the Epson HX-20, was announced. Epson had a LCD screen, a rechargeable battery, and a calculator printer size 1.6 kg. The first laptops using the flip form factor appeared in the early 1980s. Dulmont Magnum was released in Australia in 1981 - 1982 but marketed globally by the year 1984 – 1985. Some of them are used CPU Inter  1990 i386SL , is designed to use minimum power to increase battery life dataya portable computer, and is supported by dynamic power management such as Intel SpeedStep and AMD PowerNow in several designs. The development of computer technology has brought many changes to the portable computer or the laptop. The sleek design, the light weight and power saving capabilities into an important part in the development of next laptop. Laptops are like we see today has a very thin, very light weight, large display screen and super-powerful performance capabilities plus the ability to save data to the hard drive in a lot more. So then the use of a laptop becomes a new trend in the midst of desktop computer users.

History of netbook

Netbook can be traced the origin of the product Psion's netbook lineup - the hardware manufacturer from
London, which is now no longer used, the laptop project for each child (OLPC), and the Palm Foleo. All three are computer devices that are small, lightweight, and can be used to access the network. The presence of netbooks ranging widely known at the time began to introduce the Asus ASUS Eee PC product line to fill the market void. Netbook is one variant of a portable computer that is designed to meet the needs of wireless communication and Internet access. With the main design for use as a tool in exploring the website, and has been mailed, netbooks rely heavily on the existence of the Internet for remote access to web-based applications to users who do not require the existence of computers with high specifications. Netbooks typically use Windows XP or Linux as the base operating system than the operating system resource consuming larger computers such as Windows Vista. The device size ranges 4.8 inches to over 13 inches, generally weighs between 2 to 3 pounds (~ 1 kg) and are usually more expensive than regular laptops are generally in the range price of U.S. $ 400, even some of which are offered at a price between U.S. $ 50 to U.S. $ 100.

Hopefully this brief review of the history of the beginning of laptops and netbooks can add insight all my friends. Thank you and may be useful ..